Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

In a world where breath is life's sweet song,
Chronic Bronchitis, relentless and strong,
It wraps its grip around the chest,
A symphony of coughs, a never-ending quest.

With every wheeze and raspy sigh,
The struggle to inhale, to touch the sky,
A battle fought day in and day out,
Chronic Bronchitis, there's no doubt.

But in this fight, we find the grace,
Of those who never yield their space,
They breathe with courage, defy despair,
Chronic Bronchitis, they bravely bear.

So let us stand by those who cope,
With lungs that falter, but hearts of hope,
In unity, we'll lend our might,
To conquer darkness, restore their light.

By Sarva G

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