Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In the depths where veins weave tales untold,
A clot forms, silent, patient, bold.
In legs and pelvis, it takes its stand,
Waiting for destiny's guiding hand.

Pulmonary embolism, the name we bear,
When clots take flight, through veins they tear.
They journey through the bloodstream's flow,
To the lungs, where their presence grows.

In the lungs, a battleground unfolds,
As blood flow to life's chambers holds.
A clot lodges deep, an unwanted guest,
In pulmonary arteries, it finds its nest.

Chest pain sudden, a cry for aid,
Shortness of breath, in shadows they fade.
Heartbeats race with erratic rhyme,
As coughs of blood mark fleeting time.

Yet some may suffer, silently,
No telltale signs for all to see.
But risk factors lurk, beneath the skin,
History's scars, the battles within.

Deep vein thrombosis, a common birth,
From legs or pelvis, it claims its worth.
A clot breaks free, embarking on a quest,
In the lungs, it'll make its final rest.

In stillness, immobility's embrace,
During long flights, or in bed's warm grace,
Surgery's aftermath, where clots may brew,
In pregnancy's glow, the risk accrues.

Diagnosis comes with tests well-prized,
CT scans unveil what's hidden, disguised.
Ventilation-perfusion, a careful glance,
D-dimers whisper of clot's advance.

Anticoagulants, they take the lead,
To thin the blood, the clot impede.
Let the body's wisdom, its strength employ,
To break the clot's grip, to bring back joy.

In dire straits, when the need is dire,
Clot-dissolvers may stoke life's fire.
Surgery's hands, precise and keen,
May intervene where hope may glean.

Prevention, a fortress, we all must build,
To protect our veins, as life's tale is filled.
Stay active, avoid the chains of still,
Hydrate, compress, as the veins we thrill.

Pulmonary embolism, a perilous dance,
From minor tremors to life's wild chance.
Seek help when signs their stories tell,
In time, we may bid this foe farewell.

In the world of clots, where dangers hide,
We'll face this foe, stand side by side.
With knowledge, action, and care anew,
Pulmonary embolism, we'll conquer you.

By Sarva G

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