Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

In the realm where cells divide and grow,
Hormones dance, a potent flow.
But in the shadows, cancer creeps,
Feeding on these hormone leaps.

Breast, prostate, and ovarian too,
They all succumb to this dark brew.
Yet amidst the fear and the despair,
Hormone therapy, a glimmering flare.

For breast cancer, estrogen's embrace,
Brings forth the need to slow its pace.
Medications block, they intervene,
Halting growth, a hopeful scene.

In the realm of prostate, testosterone reigns,
Fueling cells, spreading pains.
But with therapy, a subtle hand,
Testosterone's grip, begins to disband.

Ovarian cancer, a silent foe,
Responds to hormones, a subtle blow.
Medications step, to disrupt their play,
Holding back the tide, day by day.

Hormone therapy, a stalwart knight,
Standing strong against cancer's might.
Alone or paired with treatments grand,
It fights alongside, a healing hand.

Yet amidst the battle, side effects loom,
A price to pay in cancer's gloom.
Hot flashes, fatigue, mood's sway,
Loss of libido, bones in decay.

But in the midst of this daunting feat,
A beacon shines, a care complete.
Discussion with the healthcare team,
Navigating through the treatment's stream.

So here's to hormone therapy's grace,
A lifeline in the cancer race.
With science's might and compassion's care,
We journey on, in hope to share.


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