Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

In the curve of the elbow, a tunnel does lie,
Where muscle and bone with the ligament vie,
A path for the ulnar, a nerve so fine,
Through the cubital tunnel, in a delicate line.

Pressure increases, the nerve feels the squeeze,
Symptoms arise like an unwelcome breeze.
Numbness and tingling in fingers do play,
In the ring and the little, they visit and stay.

Weakness creeps in, the grip starts to fail,
Coordination falters, fingers grow pale.
Pain in the elbow extends to the hand,
A clumsy dance follows, fine tasks can't withstand.

Repetitive movements, elbow bent tight,
Leaning too long, not quite right.
Trauma can strike, a blow unforeseen,
Anatomy's quirk, the nerve feels the keen.

Doctors will test, with a gentle tap,
Tinel's sign might spring from the trap.
Nerve conduction studies, electrical flow,
Electromyography, muscle signals to show.

Rest is the answer, with care to be sure,
Anti-inflammatory aids, a brace to procure.
Physical therapy to strengthen the hold,
Invasive measures, if pain is too bold.

Preventive steps, ergonomics in place,
Protective padding, for every case.
Take breaks and stretch, let the arms free,
To keep the cubital tunnel in harmony.

By Sarva G