Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In the realm where veins entwine,
And nerves dance in a graceful line,
Anastomosis, a silent art,
Joins two worlds, a vital part.

In biology's intricate design,
Connections weave, a lifeline,
Blood vessels merge with tender grace,
Breathing life in every space.

Arteries sing, veins hum,
In the symphony of bodies' sum,
Anastomosis, a whispered word,
In the hush, its voice is heard.

Surgical hands, with careful skill,
Craft new paths, a healer's will,
Bridging gaps where nature falters,
Restoring life with gentle alters.

In the depths of intestines' flow,
Where digestion's rhythms grow,
Anastomosis binds with care,
Uniting segments, whole and rare.

In the dance of life's grand scheme,
Anastomosis, a glowing beam,
Ensures continuity, a silent guide,
In the body's tapestry, side by side.

So let us marvel at this art,
Where biology and medicine impart,
Anastomosis, a binding force,
Uniting life's intricate course.

By Sarva G