In the season of chill, when the air feels cold, Lurks a tiny menace, the common cold. A viral intruder, both sly and unseen, Causes more than a sniffle, it’s more than routine.
Rhinoviruses are often to blame, Spreading their mischief, never quite tame. A runny or stuffy nose marks its start, And a sore throat quickly plays its part.
Coughs and congestion follow in stride, While slight body aches can make one hide. A mild headache, a fever so slight, Sneezing spells trouble, day and night.
Feeling unwell, a general malaise, It lingers and haunts through the passing days. Direct contact with someone who's sick, Or touching a surface, it spreads so quick.
Airborne droplets from a sneeze or a cough, Spread the virus, which we’d rather shrug off. There's no real cure, just ways to soothe, Relieve the symptoms, try to improve.
Rest is essential, let your body heal, Drink plenty of fluids, that's part of the deal. Over-the-counter meds can provide some ease, And home remedies like soups can appease.
Prevention’s key to keep it at bay, Wash your hands frequently throughout the day. Avoid close contact with those who show, Signs of the cold, it's best to know.
Maintain good health, keep your immune system strong, And recovery will come before too long. In seven to ten days, you’ll start to mend, If symptoms worsen, see a doctor, my friend.