Herpes zoster, shingles named,
A virus cruel, by pain inflamed.
From chickenpox it finds its birth,
Dormant lies, then strikes with mirth.
A stripe of pain, a burning flare,
Numbness, tingling, hard to bear.
Sensitivity to slightest touch,
Red rash blooms, it hurts so much.
Blisters form, then crust and break,
Itching follows in its wake.
Postherpetic pain can last,
A shadow from the virus cast.
Vision lost, if near the eye,
Facial nerves can go awry.
Encephalitis, hearing woes,
Neurological trouble grows.
Age and health can set the stage,
For shingles in advancing age.
Immune defenses weak and low,
Invite the virus's cruel show.
Preventive steps, the vaccine’s might,
For those who seek a safer night.
Vaccination stands to guard the way,
For those past fifty, it’s wise to sway.
Antiviral aids can stem the flow,
If taken early, symptoms go.
Pain relief through varied means,
To ease the suffering, soothe the scenes.
A painful path, shingles tread,
But knowledge lights the way ahead.
Intervene with prompt and care,
To lessen burdens people bear.