Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
In silence, deep within the body's core,  
Where kidneys work, their purpose to restore,
A swelling forms, a pressure starts to rise,
As urine trapped within the organ lies.

Hydronephrosis, the name it bears in pain,
A flood within the kidney's fragile frame,
Where once smooth flow of life’s essential stream,
Is halted now, a blocked and troubled dream.

Obstruction stands, a stone, a tumor’s might,
Or reflux where the urine takes its flight,
In backward paths it courses to return,
And leaves the kidney swollen, sore, and burned.

In pregnancy, the womb's embrace constrains,
The ureters, and thus the kidney strains,
Congenital, a birth defect unfolds,
A story of the kidney yet untold.

The symptoms speak with whispers sharp and clear,
A flank’s deep ache, a pain that we must fear,
With nausea’s grip and blood within the stream,
A urinary tract infection's scream.

Imaging reveals the truth inside,
Where ultrasound and scans will not hide,
The swollen kidney, stretched beyond its form,
A sign that speaks of nature’s hidden storm.

To treat, to heal, to drain the weight within,
Remove the stone, or fix the walls so thin,
With antibiotics fight the lurking foe,
And monitor when symptoms ebb and flow.

Yet heed the warning, let not time delay,
For if untreated, kidneys waste away,
In diligence and care, we find the key,
To heal the swelling, set the kidneys free.

By Sarva G