In the lining deep, cells grow astray,
A tumor forms, taking light away.
Gastric cancer, silent, fierce,
Spreads to organs, sharp and terse.
Adenocarcinoma leads the way,
From the glands where it holds sway.
Esophagus, liver, nodes entwine,
In this battle dark, malign.
Indigestion, heartburn's call,
Stomach pain that grips us all.
Nausea rises, weight declines,
Fatigue and fullness intertwine.
Blood in vomit, stool turns red,
The signs that fear has gently spread.
Loss of hunger, life feels thin,
As cancer works its way within.
H. pylori, gastritis wear,
Smoking, diets in despair.
History passed down the line,
A genetic code where risk may shine.
Endoscopy, biopsy seek,
The truth within, the answers bleak.
CT scans map out the fight,
A battle waged in darkest night.
But surgery, chemo hold the key,
With radiation, therapy.
Early signs, a saving grace,
In cancer’s slow and silent chase.