Tue. Mar 4th, 2025
When sunlight's rays don't touch your skin,  
And winter months keep you locked in,
When diet lacks the vital key,
You're bound to face deficiency.

The sun gives life, it helps us glow,
But without it, bones start to slow,
Calcium needs a guiding hand,
Vitamin D helps bones to stand.

For those who live where sun is rare,
Or dark-skinned people with more to bear,
Melanin blocks the UV light,
And D levels drop out of sight.

Obesity can steal away
The sunshine stored from every day,
While age and sickness take their toll,
Leaving gaps in the body’s role.

Bone pain knocks, fatigue sets in,
Weakness seeps beneath the skin,
Mood swings rise, infections grow,
The body struggles, feeling low.

But tests can tell what’s out of place,
A simple check reveals the case,
With supplements or sunlight bright,
You’ll bring your body back to light.