Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

A carbuncle forms with painful might,  
A cluster of boils, red and tight.
Inflamed, it grows beneath the skin,
A battle Staph aureus will begin.

Upon the neck, or thighs, it spreads,
Or shoulders where infection treads.
A furuncle fierce, not just one,
But many joined, their work begun.

The follicles are caught in flame,
As tissue swells in tender shame.
Pus fills the lumps, they start to ooze,
And fever follows, body bruised.

Fatigue sets in, the pain is deep,
For healing now, one mustn’t sleep.
A carbuncle needs expert care,
To drain the poison lurking there.

With hands that guide, a doctor’s touch,
Antibiotics offer much.
If left alone, it travels far,
To spread infection, mar for mar.

So seek the cure, don’t wait too long,
For health restored is worth the song.
The body heals when treated right,
And carbuncles fade from painful sight.

By Sarva G