Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025
Amblyopia, the lazy eye’s tale,  
Where vision in one starts to fail.
No lens or glass can make it clear,
The weaker eye lives in shadowed fear.

The brain, it learns to look away,
From the weaker eye, it will not stay.
The stronger eye becomes the guide,
While the other drifts, cast aside.

Strabismus pulls the eyes apart,
A misaligned, confused heart.
One eye straight, the other turns,
In this dance, the vision yearns.

Or errors refractive, too wide the divide,
One eye sees sharp, the other’s denied.
Nearsighted, far, or blurred in-between,
Amblyopia forms, unseen.

Sometimes, it’s light that never shows,
A cataract’s shadow that grows and grows.
Deprived of sight, the eye can’t see,
Its potential lost to obscurity.

But early we catch it, hope is there,
Patching, glasses, careful care.
Strengthen the weak, give it a try,
For without it, the vision could die.

Untreated, the lazy eye may fade,
A permanent loss, a price unpaid.
Yet with time and treatment, it may regain,
The power to see, the end of strain.