Wed. Sep 18th, 2024


Sep 14, 2024
In a realm unseen by naked eyes,  
A neuron weaves its silent ties,
With dendrites branching wide and far,
It catches signals, like a star.

The soma holds its beating core,
A nucleus that plans and stores,
Machinery whirrs within its walls,
While life responds to nature's calls.

An axon stretches, long and thin,
To carry messages deep within,
Wrapped in myelin, swift and sleek,
It rushes forward, strong, not weak.

Across the synapse, sparks do leap,
A chemical dance, subtle and deep,
Neurotransmitters bridge the divide,
In perfect flow, none can hide.

Sensory neurons feel the light,
The touch, the sound, the morning's bright,
Motor neurons tell the hand to move,
And with a thought, the body grooves.

Interneurons, connecting lines,
Weave through brain and spine’s designs,
They link the thoughts, the mind, the soul,
Creating patterns, making whole.

In every thought, in every glance,
The neuron leads its complex dance,
From memory to motion's grace,
A tiny spark in time and space.

By Sarva G