Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Pulmonary Function Tests, we start to explore,
The breath in your lungs, each sigh and more.
They measure the flow, the volume you keep,
Inhalation, exhalation, both shallow and deep.

Spirometry comes first, as you breathe in and out,
It tracks every breath, every whisper, and shout.
For asthma or COPD, it shows what's impaired,
The speed of the air in the lungs is compared.

Then Lung Volume Tests step up to the stage,
How much air your lungs hold at every age.
The space that remains after all breath is gone,
Gives clues to your health as time marches on.

Next comes Diffusion, a test that's quite smart,
It shows how oxygen moves from lungs to your heart.
Gas exchange in the alveoli, it carefully tracks,
The strength of your breath in numbers and facts.

Peak Flow measures how fast you can blow,
In a rush of air, your lung power shows.
It’s simple and fast, yet crucial to gauge,
How quickly the air leaves at every stage.

Then Body Plethysmography, enclosed and precise,
Measures gas in your lungs with a clever device.
Every molecule, every trace that remains,
Helps the doctor see what's causing your pains.

For coughs, short breaths, or disease to detect,
PFTs provide the data doctors inspect.
Non-invasive and gentle, but their power is clear,
In managing health, they bring answers near.

By Sarva G