Thu. Oct 17th, 2024
Hip pain arrives with a heavy tread,  
A shadow cast where once we sped.
From groin to thigh, it weaves its way,
Turning movement into slow decay.

The joint it strikes, a tender blow,
Where bones and tendons work below.
Osteoarthritis leads the march,
With cartilage worn thin and arch.

Bursitis follows, inflamed and sore,
Fluid-filled sacs that cushion no more.
A fracture next, from falls we fear,
Bones that break, no longer clear.

Tendinitis burns, from overuse,
Tendons stretched, with no excuse.
Labral tears, the cartilage cries,
Hip sockets ache, mobility dies.

Muscles strain in daily toil,
Overworked, they start to coil.
And sciatica’s radiating flame
Shoots from the back, hip’s bitter claim.

To ease the pain, we rest, we mend,
With therapy, the body we tend.
But if the pain persists its song,
Seek help and heal, before too long.

By Sarva G