In the realm where hearts beat, a tale unfolds, Of vessels entwined, where life's story molds. Coronary paths, once clear and free, Now plagued by deposits, a silent decree.
Enter the surgeon, skilled hands at play, In the theater of life, where hopes may sway. Bypass, a detour, a vessel's new quest, To navigate troubles, to find a heart's rest.
Plaque-laden roads, now bypassed with grace, A dance with mortality, in life's crowded space. From leg or from chest, a vessel is sought, To bridge the divide, where wellness is sought.
Grafted and woven, a lifeline bestowed, Above and below, where the blockage once flowed. An alternate route, for life to resume, In the corridors of veins, dispelling the gloom.
Oxygen, a lifeline, to the heart it conveys, Through pathways rerouted, life's symphony plays. Angina's grip loosens, chest pains relent, A second chance given, a life to reinvent.
A dance with the surgeon, a choreography rare, A ballet of vessels, in the heart's grand affair. To improve the flow, a medical art, A journey to healing, a beat to restart.
Recovery's embrace, a patient's new dawn, Weeks that may linger, like a comforting yawn. Rehabilitation, a pathway to grace, To regain strength, in life's vibrant embrace.
Success, a companion, on a winding road, Determinants aplenty, in life's secret code. Health's tribute paid, to factors untold, In the afterglow, where destinies unfold.
In the theater of hearts, where stories are spun, A bypassed ballet, where battles are won. Lifestyle's amendments, a post-surgical song, A melody sweet, in hearts that grow strong.