Sat. Oct 5th, 2024


Aug 18, 2024
In the silence where no echoes find their way,  
A voice once clear is stolen, led astray.
A soundless cry, a whispered, muted plea,
Where words are trapped, caged in captivity.

The vocal cords, once vibrant, now lie still,
Paralyzed by fate, or surgeon’s skill.
Inflamed by fire, a laryngitis' hold,
Or scarred by trauma, stories left untold.

The nerves betray, in strokes they lose their thread,
A silent scream within the mind instead.
The body speaks, yet sound is left behind,
In aphonia’s grip, a voice confined.

A whisper struggles, faint as breath of wind,
Yet voiceless is the heart that lies within.
Psychogenic shadows cast their heavy weight,
Stress and sorrow seal the silent fate.

But hope remains, in therapies and care,
A journey back, with patience, strength to bear.
Through hands that heal and voices that relearn,
The silenced voice may once again return.

So in the stillness, where no sound is found,
A quiet strength within begins to sound.
For though aphonia steals the voice away,
The will to speak again shall find its way.

By Sarva G