Sat. Oct 5th, 2024


Sep 21, 2024

The world around is filled with sound,
A gentle hum that knows no bound.
But in one’s ears, it twists and swells,
A simple noise becomes harsh bells.

The water’s flow, a whispered song,
To them, it feels so loud, so wrong.
A ticking clock, a closing door,
Turns whispers into mighty roars.

Conversations spark with ease,
But every word feels like a squeeze.
The traffic’s hum, the city’s cheer,
For some, it draws too close, too near.

Pain hyperacusis, sharp and deep,
Brings sounds that cut, disturb one’s sleep.
Loudness too, an awful plight,
Each mundane sound becomes a fight.

A concert loud, an explosion bright,
Can echo long into the night.
A nerve or injury, unseen,
Turns melodies to something mean.

Migraines march with pulsing beat,
Where every sound feels like defeat.
Anxiety sharp, stress like rain,
As simple sounds increase the strain.

Yet hope resides in careful care,
With therapy, one may repair.
Sound by sound, the world regains
Its quieter tone, releases pain.

So listen close, and hear their plea,
Hyperacusis is agony.
But with some help, the noise will fade,
And peace can come, though it’s delayed.

By Sarva G