Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Ocular inflammation, a painful plight,  
Where redness clouds your precious sight,
Infections, injuries, the roots untold,
Inflame the eye in a burning hold.

The conjunctiva may swell and weep,
Conjunctivitis makes the tears run deep.
The uvea burns, in uveitis’ glare,
A hidden fire ignites the stare.

Keratitis scars the cornea's sheen,
Clouds the vision once pristine and clean.
The sclera too, in scleritis' rage,
Bloodshot and swollen, fills the page.

The eyelid's plight, with blepharitis' sting,
Swollen and tender, its painful ring.
Each structure suffers, none escape,
The eye's great depths, in fragile shape.

From autoimmune storms or viral waves,
Allergies or toxins in life's maze,
Trauma that strikes with careless force,
Each cause may chart inflammation’s course.

Redness, pain, a blurry haze,
The light grows harsh, in fleeting gaze.
Tears may fall, discharge may come,
As swelling's power leaves you numb.

But seek the path that heals the flame,
For vision lost is vision’s shame.
With care, the eye may find its light,
And inflammation fade from sight.

By Sarva G