Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The Central Nervous System, vast and grand,
The brain and spinal cord, hand in hand.
They guide our actions, thoughts, and will,
A silent force, forever still.

In sensory realms, it takes command,
It knows when to touch, to hear, to stand.
From sight to sound, from taste to feel,
It processes all, makes senses real.

With motor strength, it moves the frame,
Each step, each grasp, it knows by name.
It guides the hand, the foot, the stride,
With perfect rhythm, none can hide.

Autonomic powers reign inside,
It beats the heart, lets lungs abide.
Digestion churns, the body breathes,
All tasks unseen, the mind receives.

But cognition is its highest art,
Where thoughts and dreams will all take part.
Memory weaves a complex thread,
Where wisdom grows, where ideas are bred.

Protected by the skull and spine,
In fluid safe, the CNS shines.
It leads the body, mind, and soul,
A system grand, in full control.

By Sarva G