Tue. Oct 8th, 2024

In marrow deep, where plasma dwells,
A silent storm of chaos swells.
Myeloma creeps, a shadowed blight,
Disrupting cells that once fought right.

Plasma warriors, once so bold,
Now grow too fast, no cure to hold.
M protein rises in the blood,
A tide that brings a heavy flood.

Bones grow weak, they ache, they bend,
A brittle frame that may not mend.
Fractures form, the pain takes root,
Osteoporosis claims its loot.

The red cells falter, growing thin,
Anemia’s grip takes hold within.
Fatigue, exhaustion, muscles tire,
Life’s vibrant flame reduced to fire.

Calcium soars as bones decay,
Confusion clouds the mind’s bright day.
The kidneys strain beneath the load,
A path toward failure, heavy road.

Infections rise, immune walls break,
The body’s shield, no more opaque.
But still, there’s hope in treatments wide,
In chemo’s force, and stem cells’ stride.

Though chronic, not the end it seems,
For science lifts with brighter dreams.
With every fight, each passing year,
New strength arises from the fear.

By Sarva G