Tue. Oct 8th, 2024
A rash, it starts with itching's subtle sign,  
A change in skin, its texture misaligned.
It reddens, swells, with bumps or blisters new,
A sudden shift in color, often too.

From allergies, the foods or meds we take,
To irritants that cause the skin to ache.
A lotion, soap, or fabric on the skin,
Can stir a rash and cause discomfort's din.

Infections viral, fungal, bacterial too,
Bring forth a rash that often follows through.
From head to toe, it spreads its fiery wave,
A signal sent, the skin no longer brave.

Autoimmune, like lupus, eczema’s flare,
A constant fight, inflammation’s wear.
Psoriasis, with scales and red so bright,
These rashes stay and battle through the night.

Contact dermatitis, swift and sharp,
An irritant, an allergen, its spark.
Heat rash, those tiny bumps in summer’s heat,
As sweat and warmth combine in fierce defeat.

Hives, they come like welts of itching red,
A sudden outbreak, like the skin has fled.
Diagnosis guides the treatment that you seek,
Antihistamines, creams for calm relief.

Corticosteroids to soothe the burn,
A rash will fade, the skin will slowly turn.
But till it does, the skin is left to fight,
A rash’s tale of texture, color, plight.

By Sarva G