Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Autolytic debridement, a natural process divine,
Using body's enzymes to heal and refine,
A method gentle and gradual, yet so effective,
Helping wounds close up and be less infective.

Enzymes, like little soldiers, fighting away,
Breaking down dead tissue, clearing the way,
For healthy new tissue to take its place,
A dance of renewal, a healing embrace.

The body's own processes, a force to behold,
Nature's way of healing, a story told,
In the way wounds heal and scars disappear,
The power of life, always near.

Autolytic debridement, a reminder to all,
Of the power of the body, standing tall,
A process slow and steady, but sure,
Nature's way, clean and pure.

By Sarva G

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