Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Amidst the breathless sighs of troubled air,
Where bronchial woes their grip ensnare,
A tale of lungs in turmoil we unfold,
In verses spun, their story to be told.

Within the chest, a cough persists, unceasing,
In chronic realms, its presence is increasing,
A hacking, rasping, ever-present sound,
As mucus, thick, in globs is often found.

The bronchial tubes, once clear and free,
Now bear the burden of chronic misery,
Inflammation's fire burns their inner wall,
And with it comes the breathless, labored call.

A wheeze, a gasp, a chest drawn tight,
As airways narrow in the endless fight,
To draw in breath and let it out with ease,
In chronic bronchitis, it's a daily tease.

The culprits, many, but one stands tall,
The smoking habit, a relentless thrall,
But pollutants too, inhaled with each breath,
Can lead to this, a life of wheezy death.

Yet hope persists, for treatments can be found,
To ease the symptoms that confine, astound,
Medications, lifestyle shifts, and care,
To help those lungs breathe easier, repair.

So let us heed this cautionary tale,
Of chronic bronchitis, where lungs may fail,
And strive to keep our airways clear and bright,
To breathe in life, with all our might.

By Sarva G

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