Sat. Oct 5th, 2024


Jul 10, 2023
Amidst the cells that thrive and grow,
There lies a fate they all must know,
A programmed end, a fate foretold,
Apoptosis, a story often untold.

A dance of death, a final blow,
A symphony of signals, endowing,
The cells succumb, their time has come,
Their fate sealed, their journey done.

In life, they played their part,
Pulsing, dividing, beating heart,
But in death, they make their mark,
A final act, a sacrifice stark.

As death unfolds, a new life begins,
The cycle of renewal, a story within,
Apoptosis, a fate we all must face,
In the dance of life, an essential embrace.

So let us honor the cells that die,
For their passing allows new life to thrive,
And in the dance of life, let us embrace,
Apoptosis, an essential part of the human race.

By Sarva G

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