Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In the realm of healing's art, behold the TIME principle's start,
Where wounds find solace and relief, as time unveils its gentle motif.
T - Tissue, delicate and fair, repair the damage with tender care,
Each cell's embrace, a dance of grace, restoring life with steadfast pace.

I - Infection, a lurking foe, the Time principle shall overthrow,
With vigilant eyes and cleansing might, it banishes darkness, brings forth light.
Warrior's shield, against invaders unkind, erasing pathogens, leaving none behind,
In unity, health begins to reign, as infection's reign is stripped and waned.

M - Moisture balance, a vital plea, an oasis for the wounded sea,
From arid plains to waters deep, Time restores the wound's rightful keep.
Not too wet, nor too dry, harmonious balance to gratify,
The oasis thrives, with cells renewed, as moisture's symphony imbues.

E - Edge of wound, where closure meets, Time weaves its tapestry, so sweet,
Stitches of nature, guided and sure, unite the edges, a bond secure.
Through gentle touch, a seamless blend, the wound's divide soon finds its end,
Time's touch, a healer's artistry, where wounds embrace eternity.

Thus, the TIME principle reveals its might, a testament to healing's flight,
Tissue, Infection, Moisture's grace, and Edges sealed, in perfect embrace.
In the realm of wounds, where time does dwell, the principle's anthem softly tells,
Healing's symphony, its masterpiece, as TIME restores, and pain shall cease.

By Sarva G

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