Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In legs of blue and purple hue,
Twisted veins tell tales anew.
Varicose, they're called by name,
Affecting many, causing pain.

Weakened valves, the culprit found,
In veins where blood's meant to be bound.
Backward flows, they fail to fight,
Pooling blood, a haunting sight.

Heredity whispers its silent plea,
Passing down this malady.
Age, with its relentless stride,
Strips elasticity, where troubles hide.

Women, by nature's design,
Feel varicose veins' tightening twine.
From puberty to motherhood's embrace,
Their presence can't be erased.

Pregnancy, a wondrous phase,
But varicose veins may set ablaze.
Pressure mounts within the womb,
Veins stretched, aching in the gloom.

Obesity adds its heavy toll,
Pressing veins like a weighty shoal.
Standing long or sitting still,
Blood's rhythm struggles, a weakened will.

Aching, heaviness, discomfort's reign,
Symptoms of varicose veins' domain.
Itching, burning, sensations dire,
In legs where veins' woes conspire.

Skin ulcers, blood clots, a fearful sight,
Complications lurk, shrouded in night.
Treatment beckons, a beacon bright,
Lifestyle changes to set things right.

Exercise, weight in balance held,
Legs elevated, swelling quelled.
Compression stockings, a gentle wrap,
To ease the strain, reduce the flap.

Sclerotherapy, lasers' gleam,
Surgery may enter the scene.
But heed the call, seek professional aid,
For varicose veins must be properly surveyed.

In legs of blue and purple hue,
Varicose veins tell tales anew.
But with care and treatment's grace,
Their grip can loosen, find their place.

By Sarva G

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