Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In the annals of history, a name does shine,
John Hunter, surgeon, with intellect refined.
From Scotland’s hills to London’s grandeur vast,
His legacy in medicine forever cast.

A surgeon’s apprentice, eager to learn,
Under William’s tutelage, his skills did burn.
To London’s streets, he made his way,
Where knowledge and discovery held sway.

Anatomy’s mysteries, his passion grew,
Dissections and studies, his pursuits anew.
The lymphatic system, joints’ intricate dance,
Hunter’s keen eye, in each detail did enhance.

Innovation his hallmark, in surgery’s realm,
An aneurysm’s foe, he did overwhelm.
Fractures and wounds, his techniques profound,
Through careful observation, new solutions found.

As a teacher, he shone, a guiding light,
Instilling in students, a quest for insight.
Hands-on learning, his method’s grace,
Challenging minds in the academic race.

Medicine’s tapestry, he did weave,
Understanding diseases, his goal to achieve.
Venereal woes and inflammation’s fire,
His research paved paths for future aspire.

The Hunterian Museum, a treasure trove,
His specimens preserved, in memory’s cove.
A legacy vast, in science’s embrace,
His contributions endure, time cannot efface.

John Hunter, father of surgery’s art,
In the annals of medicine, he’ll never depart.
With gratitude profound, his name we raise,
In honor of his life, our voices we praise.

By Sarva G

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