Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

In tropic lands where warm winds sigh,
The Aedes aegypti does silently fly.
With stealthy wings, it brings a plight,
A viral foe in the dead of night.

Dengue fever, a silent thief,
Brings sudden high fever, swift and brief.
Severe headaches pound like a drum,
Pain behind eyes, so burdensome.

Joints and muscles cry in strain,
"Breakbone fever" is its name.
Nausea grips, with a cruel embrace,
Rashes bloom on fevered face.

Mild bleeding, gums and nose,
Mark the path where dengue goes.
In severe form, it strikes deep,
Abdomen pain, where shadows creep.

Vomiting that won't relent,
Breath comes fast, body spent.
Bleeding gums and blood-stained tears,
Fatigue and restless, haunted fears.

Diagnosis through the lab’s keen eye,
PCR tests, as moments fly.
Antibodies in blood reveal,
The silent war, the unseen ordeal.

No cure to chase this foe away,
Supportive care to keep at bay.
Fluids balanced, pain relieved,
Watch for danger, stay reprieved.

Mosquito control, a vital fight,
Clear the waters, deny their bite.
Repellents, nets, and sleeves long worn,
Protect against the dengue thorn.

A vaccine exists, Dengvaxia’s name,
But careful use, it’s not a game.
In urban realms where warmth abides,
Dengue fever’s shadow hides.

In subtropics and tropics fair,
Stay vigilant, beware, take care.
For dengue's mark is sharp and sly,
A challenge where the warm winds sigh.