Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Author: Sarva G


In the body's realm where blood doth flow,A tale of sugar's ebb and woe,Diabetes, chronic, relentless might,Steals from health its…


In the realm where beauty and health entwine,A specialist's hand and keen eye combine,A dermatologist's craft, both gentle and wise,Guarding…


An itch that whispers softly in the night,A phantom touch that stirs beneath the skin,A dance of nerves that teases,…

Pyoderma Gangrenosum

In shadows deep, beneath the skin's veil,A silent storm brews, a mysterious tale,Where pain takes root and whispers swell,Pyoderma's grip,…


Amidst the tender bed of skin's despair,A shadow dwells, in colors pale and rare,Yellow, green, and brown, a sorrowed string,A…


In chambers nestled deep, where rhythms start,The cardiac pacemaker plays its part.A tiny sentinel, in the heart's embrace,Guiding each beat…