Sat. Jun 29th, 2024

Category: Neurology


In shadows deep where sunlight wanes,A silent storm, a cloak of pains.A specter, veiled, in hues of blue,Depression's grasp, a…


In the quiet realms where shadows play,A tale unfolds, in the light of day.Narcolepsy, a mysterious embrace,Whispers of dreams, in…


In the palace of the mind, a hidden gem,A realm of balance, where movements stem.The cerebellum, a quiet star,Below the…


In the labyrinth of the mind, a treasure lies,An almond-shaped guardian, where emotion flies.The amygdala, a whispered name,In the temporal…


In the realm where vessels weave, unseen,A tale unfolds of a profound scene.Cerebrovascular whispers weave,A story of strokes, both hard…


In the realm where pain takes hold,A tale unfolds, a story untold.Migraine, a phantom in the mind,A neurological dance, not…